If you’ve ever tried to learn another language, you may agree that speaking can be the scariest part. Expressing your thoughts out loud while learning a new language is daunting, especially for our students. It’s natural for English Learners to experience these feelings. It’s important to foster an environment where students feel safe speaking, even if they make mistakes, and that these mistakes will help them grow. This will empower them to use oral language and will accelerate literacy acquisition. 

In today’s tip, learn how to give students the tools they need to practice oral language with Footsteps2Brilliance.

How to empower English Learners to use
oral language

ELL Tip #3 Twitter

3 ways to use footsteps2brilliance to encourage students to use oral language at home and in school


with footsteps2brilliance

Scaffold opportunities that encourage low risk, active dialogue.


Use Talk Time in Clever Kids University, a feature where students can record themselves answering questions about the book out loud, or talking with grown ups about it.

Use Nursery Rhymes and music to encourage repeated reading and develop oral prosody

Engage with our Learning Lyrics, Megamouth Decoder Songbooks, Karaoke Nursery Rhymes, and Traditional Spanish Songbooks series

Connect oral language and written words

Click any element on the screen to hear it read aloud or labeled orally.

Not signed up? To learn how to provide your class with access to the Footsteps2Brilliance bilingual literacy program, click here, or sign up to speak to a Footsteps2Brilliance expert here.