RCOE Literacy By 5th Grade logo

Put your child on the path to success today!

The Riverside County Office of Education is offering the bilingual Footsteps2Brilliance Reading Program for FREE to help all children, birth to 5th grade, read on grade level and succeed in school.

Register your Family for Free Today!!

If you are an administrator of a charter school, private school or early learning center located in Riverside County and want to set up your school with Footsteps2Brilliance, please sign up here:

Dr. Edwin Gomez​

Riverside County Superintendent of Schools

Literacy by 5th Grade is an equity initiative that focuses on the youngest students, providing a foundation for lifelong learning. Through this initiative, we are providing all Riverside County families with bilingual early literacy resources that have been proven to accelerate reading from birth through 5th grade.

Reading just 15 minutes a day with your children will make a huge difference in their academic success.

Whether your child is a student at a charter school, private school*, home school, or not yet enrolled in school, you have FREE access to download the Footsteps2Brilliance and Clever Kids University apps.