Introduction: Ben Hill County Schools, a recipient of the Georgia Striving Readers Grant, is receiving positive acclaim from grant officers for its transformative, countywide PreK-3rd grade […]
Superintendent Avila’s strategic priority to have all students reading proficiently by 3rd grade is experiencing tremendous traction—in just 5 months! During the 2017-18 school year, Dr. […]
Raymondville’s Reading Results Ten years ago, Raymondville ISD brought Footsteps2Brilliance into their schools to ensure that their students had the foundational skills needed to become proficient […]
Memphis Shelby County Schools (MSCS) is Tennessee’s largest school district and the top 23rd largest in the U.S. The district has a commitment to serve students of all backgrounds and ability (57% are economically disadvantaged and 13% are English Learners).