Para este Viernes en Familia, harás una molinete para celebrar el 4 de julio, nuestro Día de la Independencia. ¡Lea nuestra guía paso a paso para celebrar con su propio molinete!
Throughout this series, we’ve talked about ways to build relationships with caregivers by communicating intentionally and effectively, but there’s another way to build relationships with caregivers: invite them into your classroom. By involving caregivers in the classroom and school community, you can create a vibrant and inclusive learning environment that enriches the educational experience for students. It may even lighten your load! Read on for fun ways to invite caregivers into your classroom.
This week’s Family Friday will deepen your student’s understanding of the invisible force of magnetism. In our Physical Science and Engineering series, your student will be introduced to important science concepts. Read our step-by-step guide on how you can test the strength of magnets and magnetism in this interactive activity!
Para este Viernes en Familia, aprenderemos sobre la fuerza invisible del magnetismo. En nuestra serie de Las Ciencias Físicas y La Ingeniería, su estudiante será presentado a conceptos importantes de ciencias. ¡Lea nuestra guía sobre cómo puede probar la fuerza de los imanes y el magnetismo en esta actividad interactiva!
In this week’s Family Friday you will create story character friends from the rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock. Read our step-by-step directions to create your clock face and mouse and have a fun time learning how to tell time. Have fun!
Este Viernes en familia, usted creará sus propios amigos de la rima infantil, Hickory Dickory Dock. Lea nuestras instrucciones paso a paso para crear tu reloj y ratoncito mientras aprenden cómo leer el tiempo.¡Diviértanse!
So far in this series, we’ve discussed how important it is to communicate with caregivers. Having a healthy relationship with caregivers can help create a supportive learning environment and foster a positive connection between home and school. This week we’ll take a look at the full spectrum of caregiver involvement, from under- to over-involved, and talk strategies for finding a happy middle ground to ensure student success.
In this week’s Family Friday, you will craft AND sing! After learning the nursery rhyme “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” you and your child will craft your own cute little lamb. You can use your new friend to act out the story in this fun nursery rhyme craft. Have fun!
¡Este Viernes en familia estarán cantando y creando manualidades! Después de aprender la rima infantil, Mary tuvo una oveja, usted y su hijo podrán crear una ovejita linda. Podrán usar a su nueva amiga para actuar el cuento. ¡Diviértanse!