Para este Viernes en familia, estará aprendiendo más sobre el método científico. Lea nuestra guía paso a paso para ver cómo se usa el método científico para examinar cómo las plantas absorben agua.
Why do some students develop as readers more easily than others? Why do most developing readers need more than being immersed in a language-rich environment? The answers lie in the brain and have major implications for teaching reading. In this installment of Teacher Tip Tuesday: Demystifying The Science of Reading, we’ll talk about the research behind how exactly we learn to read.
For this week’s Family Friday, enjoy an interactive rhyming card game that can be played with multiple children. Have fun practicing animal names and building rhyming skills using Footsteps2Brilliance Animal Riddles and Rhymes books. Read our step-by-step guide on how you can play this interactive card game with your children at home!
You’ve probably heard the phrase “the science of reading” being tossed around lately. Your district or school may be taking initiatives to align to the science of reading, and may even be changing your curricula after years or even decades. Why all the hullabaloo? Let’s talk about what the science of reading really is, what it isn’t, and why it matters.
We are excited to announce 27 new books and 161 new games organized into 41 new lessons designed to support Spanish phonics curriculum!
The brand new Fonética: silabas y palabras and Mis libritos fonéticos in Footsteps2Brilliance Central™ offer highly-effective practice for vocales, consonantes, sílabas directas – CV, and sílabas trabadas – CCV. All of the phonics games are automatically scored so that teachers can easily monitor student’s Spanish phonics proficiency.
For this weeks’s Family Friday, we have a fun arts and crafts activity with Allie the Alligator! In Allie the Alligator, children will learn all about alligator facts. Children will then make their own Allie the Alligator and see how strong her jaws can be. Read our step-by-step guide on how to play this interactive literacy craft for kids at home!
¡Para este #ViernesEnFamilia, tenemos una divertida actividad con Allie La Caimán! En Allie La Caimán, los niños aprenderán sobre todos los hechos de caimanes. Luego, los niños harán su propio Allie the Alligator y verán cuán fuertes pueden ser sus mandíbulas. ¡Lea nuestra guía sobre cómo jugar esta actividad interactiva con su hijo/a en casa!
We are excited to announce a new book series designed to support your classroom phonics curriculum. The Growing Readers series in Footsteps2Brilliance Level 2 and in Footsteps2Brilliance Central™ offers highly-effective multi-sensory practice with immediate feedback to support students in developing phonics skills. Even better, all of the phonics games are automatically scored so that teachers can easily monitor student growth.
This week, you and your children will put on a puppet show based on the Aesop’s fable The Lion and the Mouse. This fun activity is a great way to practice the skill of speaking out loud while learning social-emotional lessons from the story. Read our step-by-step guide to make the puppet show come to life for this social-emotional activity.
Esta semana, usted y sus niños presentarán un espectáculo de marionetas basado en la fábula de esopo El león y la ratona. Esta divertida actividad es una gran manera de practicar la expresión lingüística mientras aprenden lecciones socio-emocionales del cuento. Lea nuestra guía con los pasos a seguir para darle vida a su espectáculo de marionetas.